Management, SAP MM

How to create a Material Group and Purchase Group in Material Master? – SAP S/4 HANA

MATERIAL GROUP AND PURCHASE GROUP The material group and purchase group are a part of material master data where you will need them in creating material. You can find these groups in Views used in material creation. Let’s create each. Create Material Group The material group helps you to group together materials and services having the same characteristics. Examples of material groups: Spare Parts, Electric Wires, etc. We can categorise things into many material groups based on material types. Step 1: Path -> SPRO -> IMG -> Logistics General -> Material Master -> Settings for key fields -> Define Material Groups T.Code -> OMSF Go to define Material Groups and click on new entries. Add your details as required and save the data. The material group – ZSPR (SPARE PARTS BMW) will be created. Go to MM01 T.code – Basic Data 1 View. You can see your material created – ZSPR Create Purchase Group For a buyer or group of buyers in SAP ERP, a purchasing group is key. It serves as the primary conduit for a company’s interactions with its suppliers and is in charge of acquiring a material or class of materials. Step 1: Path -> IMG -> Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Create Purchasing Groups T.code – OME4 Click on Create purchasing groups and add new entries. Here the Purchasing group code should be – 3 digit alphanumeric code. Description Purchase group – Can be a person’s name or department’s name. Enter the details and save the data. Go to MM01 – Purchasing View. You will see your purchasing group created – ZT1 I hope this article was useful.

Management, SAP MM

How to create Number Ranges for Material Group? – SAP S/4 HANA

Number Ranges for Material Groups A number range object is an object created in the SAP system. It contains a defined set of unique character strings. Business applications can utilize a number range object to assign unique numbers to database records, completing the keys of the data records. Each material in the material master must contain material numbers except for services, so we need to define the material number ranges as per the material type. We have two types of number ranges. Internal number range: where the system will give internal numbers, but we need to define the number range like a series of numbers eg:1000100-1000500 External number range: External numbers are of two types. You should define the number range, which can be Alpha-numerical or Alphabetic. Create Number Ranges (Internal Number Range) Step 1: The following navigation methods can be used to configure the material number ranges. Path -> SPRO -> IMG -> Logistics –> General -> Material Master -> Basic settings -> Material types -> Define number ranges for material type T.Code -> MMNR On range maintenance: material master overview screen, select groups (or press function key F6) options as shown below image. Select Create Group option. Add Group name you prefer and add the number range. If the number range is already available and used you will get a message at the bottom saying – Specify Interval __ without overlaps. You need to create a new number range which is not been used before. Go back to this screen and click on the Interval -> Free Intervals You will see all the available unused number ranges. Select any one among them for you material group. Save the data. Create Number Ranges (External Number Range) To create an external number range the same process is followed except for one change which is – > Use an alphanumeric number range and tick under the External column. Save the data. Successfully we have maintained the number range interval for material type. (Note: At a time, you can select only one number range, whether internal number range or external number range.)

Management, SAP MM

How to customize Material Master? – SAP S/4 HANA

MATERIAL MASTER CUSTOMIZATION In the previous article, we saw how to create material in SAP S/4 HANA – SAP MM. Now, this article will be all about Customizing the Material Master data. We will customize the Industry type, Material type, data screens for each screen sequence, etc.  So let us dive deeper into the topic. Customize the Material type Step 1 Path -> SPRO -> Logistics General -> Material Master -> Basic Settings -> Material Type -> Define attributes of material type You can also use T.code -> OMS2 Go to Position – enter standard – ROH. The standard will appear on the top. You now have to select the standard and copy it as to create your material type. You will get this screen where you will have to edit a few entries. Here, you can customise the material type according to your organization’s needs. User descriptions here are the Views which we used in the material creation. You can select as many views as you want for your customized material type. External no. assignment w/o check should be ticked. This will enable you to create material manually using alpha numeric code. In the end, save the data. Your material type will be created. These changes will be now seen in the MM01 T.code under Material type.  Step 2 Go to OMS2  Select your material type and click on Quantity/ Value updating under Dailog structure on the left side as shown in the figure below.  Go to Position – Enter your Valuation area and green tick. Your Material type along with the valuation area (plant) will appear on the top. Here you have to tick under Quantity updating and Value updating. Save the data. Customize the Industry Type Step 1 Go to T.code -> OMS3 or Path -> SPRO -> Logistics General -> Material Master -> Field selection -> Define industry sectors and Industry sector-specific field selection. New entries and add your industry type. Note – Industry Sector uses only a single alphabet. (I am using a demo server). Industry description can be anything. Save the data. Go to MM01 – You can now input the customized industry type. Customize Data Screens Step 1 Go to Path -> SPRO -> Logistics General -> Material Master -> Configuring the Material Master -> Define structure for Data sequence for each Screen sequence. Select 21 – Std ind.(short) tab pages. This is the standard. Copy as – Edit – Instead of 21 type ZT. Enter 2 times, the box will appear, press enter till everything is copied. Step 2 To move the screens and sub screens of Material master up and down. ( The basic data 1, 2, purchasing, General data/ storage 1, 2, Accounting screens and sub screens) Double click on Data screen under Screen sequences on the left side. Select any one screen description shown in the above figure. I have selected first option – Basic data 1 and then double click on subscreens option given on the left side. Select any SSq – Screen sequence and can edit by clicking on view data screen or view sub screen. To change the sequence you can move screen up and down as per your choice. Save the data. I hope this article was useful to you.

Management, SAP MM

How to create Material Master? – SAP S/4 HANA

Material Master All of the materials that a business purchase, manufactures, stores, and sells are listed in the material master. It serves as the company’s primary repository for information about individual materials. Individual material master records are where this data is kept. Material master is SAP MM’s most crucial master data for the entire logistics sector. Information regarding a material’s qualities, kind, department information, batch, and other details are stored in the material master. Certain information is needed to create a material master. “Industry sector” and “Material type” are included in this. The material number must be given if there is an external system for numbering materials. A corporation and its departments require material information. For each material sold to customers, the sales department needs information on the price, location, date of manufacture, size, order unit of measure, and so forth. The costing division might require data on production costs, material purchase prices, etc. Each material in SAP offers a variety of perspectives to make it easier to access the information pertinent to each department. Each of these perspectives includes information that is pertinent to these departments. As a result, the material master displays many material views when you build a material. You must provide and keep the necessary material data for each of these perspectives. Now we’ll concentrate on transaction MM01. How to Create Material Master in SAP MM Following is Step by Step Process on How to Create Material Master in SAP MM To create a material, you can use transaction code MM01 or you need to follow the menu path: SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Create (General) → MM01 – Immediately.  Starting in the SAP Easy Access screen, go to the transaction MM01, and create a material master entry. Step 1: Select a material type and an industry sector.  As mentioned previously, the transaction utilised to create a material master record is MM01. When the transaction is completed, a screen with a few fields containing the essential details about our material appears. You select the Industry sector and Material type from the drop-down box on the screen. There is also an option to create a change number. You can also create a new material by copying an existing material. You can do this by mentioning the material number in the Copy from the text box. Once you are done, press Enter. A new window will appear, as shown below, to enter the organizational data. (Note: Material number alphanumerical key uniquely identifying material in SAP system can be generated automatically or assigned manually – it depends on material type) Step 2: Click on Select View We can choose which master data to create. The views that best fit the content being developed should be chosen as the next phase. Depending on the intended use of the material. The fundamental view is always necessary; the other views are dependent on the kind of material. Views can be created later and specify which internal SAP tables will have an entry added for the new material. The mandatory views are : After selecting the mandatory views, click on the check (green tick) and the below box will appear. Enter your plant name and check enter. The screen appears where you will have to fill out the necessary/ required data. Step 3: Filling details in Views. Basic Data 1. Mandatory fields are: the other ones depend on your exact needs. (Note: These views are customisable which we will see in the next article.) Press enter and you will be automatically taken to the next view – Purchasing. Enter the mandatory fields – Purchasing Group. (the other ones depend on your exact needs.) Press enter and next view will be displayed – General Plant data/ Storage 1. Process it and enter. Next view will be displayed – Accounting 1 Mandatory field The valuation class is a key for grouping materials that have the same account determination. If different accounts are to be posted according to valuation class in a transaction, the account determination for this transaction is to be set as dependent on the valuation class. It is vital to save the content once all necessary views have been filled up. You cannot exit the SAP interface without saving or stopping the creation of the material. Unless your computer breaks or the session is lost, there is no way to close the SAP window without responding to the save or not question. If your data is saved, you will get the message saying: To check the created material, use transaction -> MM60 You will be taken to the screen where you will have to input the plant for which you created your material and click on execute. Your material will be displayed You can also check all your materials in the table: Some important Transactional codes: I hope this article is useful. The next article will be about customizing material masters.

Management, SAP MM

How to activate Material Ledger? – SAP S/4 HANA

Material ledger activation is another setting for creating material for the respective plant. This article will show you the steps where you can activate ML. Activating and assigning material ledger to valuation areas is a one-time activity. WHAT IS MATERIAL LEDGER? SAP S4 HANA’s actual costing and inventory valuation in several currencies are done using the Material Ledger. The term “material” in SAP refers to products or services used for various transactions. These encompass warehouse, inventory, sales, and production management, among other things. ML has 3 functionalities: We first need to assign material ledger types to valuation areas. Here, valuation area means plant. ASSIGN MATERIAL LEDGER TYPES TO VALUATION AREAS Go to SPRO -> Controlling -> Product cost controlling -> Actual costing/ Material ledger -> Assign Material ledger types to valuation area. Copy the standard 0001 and copy that to your valuation area as shown below. Here valuation area is the plant code. Save the data.  You can also use the T.code = OMX3  ACTIVATE MATERIAL LEDGER FOR VALUATION AREAS Path -> Controlling -> Product Cost Controlling -> Actual costing/ Material ledger -> Activate the Material ledger for valuation areas You can also directly use T.Code -> OLX1 Click on Activate material ledger and search for your valuation area T001 in position. Your valuation area will appear on top. Here you need to check whether the status is green or not, also tick the box under the column material ledger activation. Under column Price determination, add 2 and save the data. Here 2 means transaction-based price determination.  You need to set Valuation Areas as Productive Path -> SAP menu -> Accounting -> Controlling -> Product cost controlling -> Actual costing/ material ledger -> Environment -> Production startup ->CKMSTART – Set valuation areas as productive. (You can also directly use T.Code -> CKMSTART) The screen appears, enter your plant name and untick the Processing options – Background processing and Test run and click on execute at the left top. Everything will get activated now in your plant code as shown below on the screen. This is done by a consultant and not an end user. I hope this article was useful for you.

Management, SAP MM

How to set Controlling Area? – SAP S/4 HANA

This article will help us in setting some financial settings for enterprise structure which includes controlling area. Controlling Area The controlling area is a business organisational unit for which a closed system may do an entire cost accounting. If necessary, a controlling area may have one or more company codes that can transact in multiple currencies. Maintain Controlling Area Path -> SPRO -> SAP implementation guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Controlling – > Maintain Controlling Area  Click on the second option -> Maintain Controlling Area and click New Entries. You have to fill out the data. Save the details and go back to the SPRO Assign Controlling Area to the Company Code Go to path -> SPRO -> SAP implementation guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Controlling -> Assign Company code to Controlling area. In position type your controlling area and select the left corner option – Assignment of company code as shown in the figure Click on new entries and add the company code and company name as shown below in the figure. Save the data. T.Code -> OBY6 (Company Code Global Data) Click on Position and enter your company code. You will get your CoCd at the top as shown below in the figure. Double-click your CoCd – T000 and check whether all the details entered are correct or not. Here you need to check – Chart of accounts, Fiscal year variant and Company data are filled correctly or not. T.code -> OMSY (Material Management Views on Company Codes) Add your CoCd to the position box. Check the current month and current year are correct. OMSY and OBY6 are one-time activities and you need to check whether the entries are correct or not or else your other configurations won’t work properly. I hope this article was useful to you.

Management, SAP MM

How to configure Enterprise Structure? – SAP S/4 HANA

CONFIGURATION OF ES This article will look at the enterprise structure in SAP S/4 HANA. Every organization or every company has its system; if I take the example of Tata Group, Tata Group is a group of companies. Tata’s are into Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Tata Chemicals, Tata Consumer Products, etc.  Here our client is Tata; it will have different types of companies mentioned above. Every company will be represented with different company codes. Now each company may have a different location /branch. E.g., TCS = Gujarat, Pune, and Mumbai. These locations in SAP are denoted as Plant. A plant can be a manufacturing unit, Corporation head, or Office unit. These plants will have different storage locations where the material is physically stored. The material can be raw materials, finished materials, or semi-finished materials. We have one more level, which is between the Company code and Plant, known as the purchase organization, which is responsible for procuring material and negotiation.  In SAP, Company is at the highest on the hierarchy; company codes, plant, and storage locations are below.  We create enterprises, plants, and storage facilities. The client, or enterprise, is something that all modules have in common and is necessary for all modules. The FI module is used to define the Company code. The MM module describes the storage site, while the Plant is defined in MM.  At the plant level, the majority of MM transactions take place.  Let’s define these components now. We can assign links between them after the definition. Let’s define and assign each step by step: DEFINITION 1. Define Company Use T.code SPRO and then follow the following step (The SAP transaction code – T.code serves as the starting point for a screen flow that is ultimately a part of a business process.) In SPRO -> SAP Consulting Implementation Guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Define company. Click on define company and add new entries and fill out the company’s information as needed. Save the Data and now the company TATA is created which defines a large group of companies. 2. Define Company Code In SPRO -> SAP Consulting Implementation Guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code. In the choose activity box, select the First option – Copy, delete, check company code Then click on Copy as shown below Now copy the standard company code to your new company code. Select a name for your company code that isn’t already in the system.  We copy because this is pure finance teamwork and not MM.  Click on the right tick. If you receive this box above, click on yes, and a box will appear, just add your country currency where the company is located. Then click on right click, keep clicking on green tick till you appear to the box of transport range. Click on yes below. The data will then start transferring. Wait till the whole data gets copied. After receiving this box below, click on No, and wait till the data is copied and you get a msg. Now the standard company code is been copied to your company code. You have to now select the 2nd option in the below figure – Edit Company Code Data. Click on Position, and enter your company code just created. Green tick and you will see your company code at the top but the name of the company will be shown which was in the standard company code. So you have to edit the name. Double-click on Sap India Ltd and fill out all the empty boxes. After filling out the company code details, click on the option – “address” above and fill out the data. Save the data and your company code is created 3. Define Plant In SPRO -> SAP Consulting Implementation Guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics –> General -> Define, copy, delete, check plant Click on the 2nd option – Copy, select, check plant. Copy from standard as we did in the company code creation. Click the green tick till you get the message saying, Save and your plant is created. Now go back and click on 1st option – Define Plant. Click on position, enter your plant T001, and fill out the details. The standard copy appears on top. Click on that SAP STD and edit your plant. Then as we edited the address in the company code, similarly do it for the plant as well Save the data, your plant is created. You can also individually create a plant by directly selecting the first option rather than copying from the standard. 4. Define Storage Location In SPRO -> SAP Consulting Implementation Guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition ->Materials Management -> Maintain Storage Location Add your plant just created. Click the green tick and you will get the screen as shown below. You will be able to see some storage lots already present as you have copied data from standard so delete all the available storage locations present in the screen and enter your new storage locations for your plant created. Save and your three storage locations are created for plant T001. 5. Define Purchasing Organisation In SPRO -> SAP Consulting Implementation Guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition ->Materials Management -> Maintain Purchasing Organisation Save data and your purchase organisation is created. ASSIGNMENT 1. Assign Company Code to Company In SPRO -> SAP Customising Implementation Guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Financial Accounting -> Assign company code to company Click on position and enter your created company code and tick green. You can see your company code at the top of the table, now fill out your company name. Save the data. Your Company code T000 is assigned to the company TATA Motors. 2. Assign Plant to Company Code In SPRO -> SAP Customising Implementation Guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics –> General -> Assign Plant to Company Code Click on assign Plant

Management, SAP MM

All you need to know about the terms in Enterprise Structure – SAP S/4 HANA

Important terms of Enterprise Structure in SAP S/4 HANA MM Module This article will help you with understanding some important technical terms used in enterprise structure in SAP S/4 HANA – SAP MM module. Please go through the entire article to get a clear view of the same. SAP MM SAP MM functions include materials management, procurement process management, master data management (material and vendor master), inventory management, planning for material requirements, and invoice verification. There are functions in each of these MM submodules that carry out certain business operations for that modules. What is ERP? Enterprise resource planning uses an integrated computer system to manage all the information and resources involved in a company’s operations.  What is SAP?  SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products and is an enterprise resource planning software. The most comprehensive ERP system in the world, SAP has hundreds of wholly integrated modules that address almost every facet of corporate management and process.  What is a Client in SAP? In SAP, it is an organizational level or unit that is independent in terms of law, organizational structure, master data, and transactional data. From a business perspective, a client represents a corporate organization. What does Company Code mean?  According to commercial law requirements in a particular country, a company is an organizational unit used in accounting to represent a corporate entity. Technical and accounting-based functions are found in the SAP system. Depending on the product’s manufacturing and business needs, a company may have one or multiple company codes. It is an organizational unit where a separate set of accounting is carried out. It has its profit and loss, account, and balancing statement. Path: SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> Definition -> Financial accounting -> Edit, Copy & Delete -> Copy org. Obj. T.code: OX15 What does Plant Code mean?  A company’s “Plant” could be one of its operating divisions, branches, or locations. Due to the plants being given to a single company code, the plant is integrated into the organizational structure. Multiple plants may be part of a company code. It is an organizational unit where goods are produced or services are performed. Path: SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> Definition -> Logistic General -> Define copy, delete, check plant. T.code: OX10 Assignment: The plant is to be assigned to the Company code. Note: One plant can be assigned to only one Company code, But one company code can have more than one plant.  What is a Storage Location?  An organizational unit differentiates a plant’s material supplies by storage location. Inventory management in SAP is carried out at the storage location level. A plant is given a storage site when the organizational structure is established. It is an organizational unit where goods are stored. Physical inventory allows carrying out at the Storage location. Path: SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> Definition -> Materials management -> Maintain Storage location -> Click on new entries. T.code: OX09 What is a Purchase organization?  It denotes the group, location, or facility in charge of choosing the supplier and making payments to the supplier. All purchasing actions inside an organization are the responsibility of the purchasing organization. Additionally, it is used to confirm or pinpoint the profit loss for the entire company or each particular plant. It is an organizational unit or level. It subdivides an enterprise with procurement activities. It is responsible for purchasing activities and deals with the vendor. Path: SPRO -> IMG -> Definition -> Materials management -> Maintain Purchase Organization. T.code: OX08 Types of Purchase Organization: 1. Reference/Central Purchasing Organization  Central Purchase Organization is an organizational level or entity that handles purchases. It takes all aspects of purchases. Contracts or Agreements typically use Central Purchase Organization. Central Purchase Organization is given responsibility for Plant Specific Purchase Organizations. This copies the terms of the Central Purchase Organization. 2. Plant-Specific Purchase Organization: It is required to assign a purchase organization to a plant if a purchase is needed for that plant. This purchase organization is known as a plant-specific purchase organization.  3. Cross-Plant Purchase Organization:  A different Purchase Organization must be assigned to each plant when a single Purchase Organization is in charge of two or more plants. It is not required to assign a business code to the purchase organization. One of the purchase organizations must be created as a standard purchase organization if there are two or more for a single plant. Consignment purchases and other unique purchases are made using this. Coding structure I hope this article was useful.

Management, SAP MM

All you need to know about ERP, SAP S/4 HANA and SAP MM

Many have no idea about some simple terms. This article will help you understand and get an idea of the important terms such as ERP, and Types of ERP, in the industry. ERP ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. Companies use enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to manage routine business operations like accounting, purchasing, project management, risk management, compliance, and supply chain management.Resources – Men, machines, materials, money, etc.In any organization, ERP packages systematically utilize the resources and get profits. Examples of some ERPs are: R -> Real Time 3 -> three architectures based on three servers. ( Development, Production, Quality) ECC -> ERP Central Component 6.0 -> Version SAP Landscape Development server (Configuration) -> customize or do configuration per business requirements. All the changes and amendments are made on this server. Quality server (Testing) -> Testing is done by end users. The user acceptance test is conducted on this server. Only end-user transactions can be recorded here. Production server (Daily activities) -> This is for the end user’s live system to run their daily operations and tasks. SAP ERP SAP stand for Systems Applications and Products. It is the largest ERP software all over the world. The SAP Software system was developed in 1972 by 5 IBM Engineers. SAP has a strong integration and Interface between the different modules/departments. Hence, SAP is the top ERP software used globally. SAP supports any OS(Windows, Linux) and DB(Oracle, SQL) SAP is: SAP Versions: One Tier, two Tier, and three Tier has been evolved at the beginning of the SAP as the Presentation layer, Application layer, and Database layer. SAP S/4 HANA S4 – Simple 4th GenerationHANA – High Performance and Analytics appliance SAP HANA is an improved version of SAP ECC. It is developed in C++ language. SAP HANA is a database with a distinctive in-memory architecture. It employs a more straightforward data modelling technique than a typical database. Unlike databases, which keep data on discs, SAP HANA supports it in memory.This means that instead of calling for data from the hard drive when needed, the system can retrieve it straight from the in-memory storage. The information is extracted as required, which speeds up the operation of your system. Why use SAP HANA? SAP is based on two components: SAP MM can work as: MM (Material Management) For instance, a bicycle company must buy wheels, engines, and seats. Material management is used to source, buy, store, and use these materials. Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the movement of materials inside an organization is the process of material management. Material managers play a crucial role in the manufacturing industry in buying, procuring, and managing the raw materials used in the production processes.An essential component of SAP S/4HANA, materials management (MM) powers supply chain and logistical activities. Its primary function controls procedures, including purchasing, receiving items, storing materials, consumption-based planning, and inventory. The first part of MM is organization/ enterprise structure. A company’s organizational structure is the framework through which all business is carried out. There are numerous levels in a corporate structure that are all directly or indirectly related to one another. Enterprise structure is another name for organizational structure. Master DataThe primary data that serves as the foundation for every transaction in SAP materials management is known as master data. Whatever your operation may be—producing, moving stock, selling, buying, performing a physical inventory, etc.—it necessitates the maintenance of specific master data. Example of Master Data Procurement/ PurchasingPurchasing information records, which contain information unique to a given product and business partner, are what procurement is all about. You will be able to develop and handle purchase requests in SAP MM. You will also learn how to use the request for quotation (RFQ) tool to create, release, and send RFQs to particular vendors. On the other hand, consider the procedure used to obtain the vendor’s quote and how to input quotes, contrast them with one another, and discard losing bids. Creation of purchase orders (PO) and different PO-related operations such as account assignment, message output, and order type. Another aspect of procurement is examining the variants, such as outline purchase agreements, scheduling agreements, and contacts. The service master record, standard service catalogue, service entry, and specific procurement types are covered in the procurement area. These elements allow your firm to manage complex business operations in procurement or inventory management. The procedure of purchasing, a part of the SAP MM module, is generally represented below. Material resource planning (MRP) generates the procurement proposal, which is then converted into a purchase request or requisition. The purchase request must then be made public and a source assigned. After the products are delivered, the PR is transformed into a purchase order, and the deal can be sealed with an invoice receipt. Furthermore, payment is managed (in the FI module). Inventory ManagementThe inventory of the goods is managed via inventory management. It is founded on essential procedures like A range of processes and transactions are used for inventory management techniques. Pricing ProcedureThe pricing method in the MM module can be used to determine prices for purchasing documents. It allows us to designate several calculation types for various applications. A pricing mechanism may be defined by defining an access sequence and allocating it to condition types. The access sequence instructs the system where to seek the condition values. Why SAP MM Conclusion The SAP Material Management Module, a part of SAP ERP, helps companies manage their materials, inventories, and warehouses throughout the supply chain process. SAP Material Management is the official name of SAP MM. A transaction in SAP is the processing of certain data required to fulfil a business process need. The master data acts as the basis for every transaction that is made. The inventory of the goods is managed via inventory management. Pricing in purchase papers is done using the SAP MM module’s pricing mechanism.

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